Thursday, March 1, 2007

Jordan Security

"While I'd been reliving Hebrew school with the redheaded soldier, they'd been having their suitcases emptied, their shoes X-rayed and their orifices probed for weapons..." P. 136

It is sad that the hatred of Jews has gotten that part of the middle east by groups like Hamas and the Palestinians. Imagine going through security where if so much as a hint of dislike for a Jew was displayed, you would be thrown in jail. Obviously it is necessary to have this level of security with all of the suicide bombings, but that does not make the security interesting because of its high level. Going to the extent of a cavity search is pretty gross, but I understand where the Jordan airport is coming from. Every day Israeli people die from car and suicide bombings. It is sad that people have sunk to the level of martyrdom (or what they think is martyrdom) just to regain land from "intruders". Horwitz went through security just fine because he was Jewish, the Islamic couple however, was strip searched. Racial/Religious profiling. To be honest it seems like a much more effective way of security. It is a fact that an american suburban mother is not going to get on a plane with a bomb. Where a middle eastern man, obviously not necessarily having any ties to terrorism or even Islam whatsoever, has a possibility of being a terrorist because Islamic terrorists are from a certain part of the world. This is the same thing that the Jordan airport security did, only with religion. -MAD

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