Thursday, March 1, 2007

Different Point of View

"'Attack us? Iraq?'" one man said, genuinely astonished. 'Why? Bush knows how strong we are. America does not want Vietnam again.' The others raised their glasses and shouted their assent.'"(p.280) It's quite interesting to see what they people of Iraq think about the war. Here in America, we believe that our army is very powerful and can overtake any army in its path. But in Iraq, they believe Bush is completely oblivious to the strenghth of the Iraqi army. In the present time, we know that the America does have a stronger army then then Iraq and we captured Saddam and he is now executed. Saddam before he lost his power, had brainwashed his people into thinking no one could defeat Iraq and that they and especially he was all powerful. The Iraqi people obeyed his every word and believed everything he said. America, some people think it was a stupid move for Iraq to become involved in a war but it's the opposite over there. I find it interesting to hear this point of view on the war while knowing how it all played out. -ak

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