Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sudan air

In Arabian Flights: Sky High over Islam, Horwitz discusses the dilemma of getting on the planes and the dangers of actually flying. He talks about how during the haboob season, when the sand storms happen especially often, many planes don't even take off, let alone land safely. As he sat in the airport he noticed one of the runways was already "littered with the charred remains of crafts that hadn't made it." (pg. 211) To Americans this seems ridiculous that some one would even board a plane after seeing this but it seems not very rare in these countries. Horwitz also describes why he would be a perfect target for terrorists. He is one of the only white people aboard the plane so he will naturally stick out. I could not get myself to fly with all these fears but He has to, to get around; I find it impressive that he can even get himself to board the planes. -AB

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