Friday, March 2, 2007

Hitler Youth Middle Eastern Youth

Going back to the road to 9/11 and the image of the little boys and girls of some Middle Eastern countries reciting "I will willingly die for Allah." made me think about how similar it is to the Hitler youth. The adults brainwash these kids into thinking it is okay to die for a cause. Each of these kids is awarded weapons and are encouraged to use them. They are told that if they are loyal to their country and religion they will be prosperous in the afterlife. Much like the Hitler Youth, the kids were brainwashed by propaganda and are told to kill. The children are brainwashed and scarred for life as these angry people that is the reason that these countries are so angry, because as young people they were beaten and oppressed and in result take it out on the generation below them, it is a vicious cycle. AM

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