Friday, February 16, 2007

Al Qaeda Video Attack On U.S. (In Afghanistan)

I thought that the article was very interesting. Although threatening, I am not worried that America-the-Beautiful will prevail. The Al-Qaeda is very immature with these threats. All though they underestimate the U.S. military’s skill, might, and will to get the job done, I think many Americans underestimate the fearlessness of Al-Qaeda. I truly believe ‘none of this’ would have happened had Bill Clinton failed to capture or kill Bin Laden on the several chances he had. Although the article is not about the Taliban, things add up to groups such as the Al-Qaeda bashing everything from the U.S. especially our current president. Although people argue that war in the Middle East is fueled by ‘gung-ho’ Bush and his troops, I argue that it is fueled by extremist groups that have nothing but blind hatred for things they do not know about (The Taliban, and currently the Al-Qaeda). Any responses would be great.


Baghdad Blog said...

C.S. wrote this, but it was during the A.M. and he (I) was spacing out. Sorry

Baghdad Blog said...

important correction "...had Bill Clinton NOT failed..."