Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Guns… Why does it seem that everyone has a weapon? The most obvious answer is for protection. Unfortunately there is very little law enforcement compared to what there should be out there. Religious cults and groups are constantly at war and people are always caught in the crossfire. It would not be too smart to be walking around the streets with muggers and gunfire without some sort of arms yourself. When Horwitz meets the boy on the side of the road carrying a loaded gun he gets intimidated, and almost runs back to his car. The point being that, if there is someone with a deadly weapon, it will make you stop and think twice. Another reason that everyone carries a weapon is that it is a status symbol. Horwitz noticed that many people walked around with a lavishly decorated silver or gold dagger. Again the weapon could be for defense if necessary, but most likely to show off your wealth. Often in the Middle East people try to show off their wealth, and investing it in weapons seems to be the things to do. ed


Baghdad Blog said...

I definitely agree with your statement saying how weapons were used as a symbol of status, but more than that, I think weapons were a way of life for many. Every merchant Tony runs into in Yemen either sells qat or weaponry. I’m sure that guns and daggers make up a large majority of the economy of Yemen. Weapons in the Middle East aren’t only a way to protect yourself, or something to show how rich you are, they are a lifestyle. -mg

Baghdad Blog said...

e.d. I understand what your saying about how they always have guns and spend too much money and are basically infautated with them. But although guns can cause such harm, their is a very positive side in allowing citizens to carry them. Even our forefathers realized this when writing the constitution. "the right to bare arms." By having all these citizens carry guns, they can protect themselves from a problem thats so prevelant over there. They can protect themselves from opressive regimes. Although Horwitz explained how their is a faction with more soldiers than the national army in yemen, if for instance, this was a faction with good ideals, they could take over the country. Saddam wouldn't allow every citizen to carry guns because they could join together and attempt a coup, but in other countries they allow guns, so if there was ever a situation with a dictator such as Saddam, the people would atleast have a chance. Therefore, citizens carrying guns can have an upside. MW