Monday, February 26, 2007

Women in Religion

Above is a link to a BBC news report that reports on the fact that recently, Islamic Women are now being let to be priests in Morocco. One new women priest(ess) spoke about why women should now be aloud to be part of the bigger picture of religion in middle eastern countries: "Women make good priests because God has made them more sensitive, merciful and more patient than men!" I thought this was relatively interesting because it is relatively true based on the behavior of men in the various other middle eastern countries and I think it will be interesting to see how this new radical movement will play out. AM

1 comment:

Baghdad Blog said...

AM, this is a really intresting post. That seems to be a huge step for Morrocco and women in general. The quote you used was very powerful and is truely subject to controversy. Many men would hate for a women to say that women are more sensitive, merciful and more patient that men. I believe this is somewhat true. Women would make great priest for sometimes a women would like to confess her sins to another women. Women are a bit more patient then most men, it's in our blood. -ak