Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Islam is the Answer"

While Ms. Brooks was in Egypt she met a woman named Sahar whom she believed embodied western life in the middle east. She called her a "yuppie". Yet when the month for the holiday Ramadan arrived, Sahar became a completely different person. She wore a veil instead of the business suit. When Geraldine Brooks asked, Sahar replied "Islam is the Answer". For muslims, it would be impossible to den this statement. How can a believer in God argue that something is greater than him, No matter what religion you are a part of. It just so happens that in the middle east it is Islam. Thats one of the problems for denying the radical ideas. How can you argue to defy the Koran in muslim countries? Even if it means (from a westerners point of view) exploiting women. In the western world we become more and more secularized as time passes, but if you believe in God, ask yourself, is there anything more important? Most truly religious people would say no. So here is Geraldine Brooks baffled by a woman she thought her middle eastern counterpart. She immediatly describes how Sahar veiling herself is like watching a butterfly re entering a cocoon. How it is for desperate people to look for heavely solace and how she has the worth of 1/2 a man, and can be beaten for misbehavior. But does Sahar believe in God? Most likely. And Is Mohammed her prophet and the Koran God's word? Yes. So if in the Koran it describes a lifestyle like this, and She deems herself a good Muslim how is it wrong to follow this? More importantly what right does Geraldine Brooks have to look down upon her and her "backwardness?" MW

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