Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Israeli Apartheid


"An independent report commissioned by the United Nations compares Israel's actions in the West Bank and Gaza to apartheid South Africa "
I found this rather short article to be very interesting for two reasons. One, it made me think of the negative side of Israel. We always hear about how bad the middle east is, which may be true, but we rarely hear the bad things about our ally. Israeli's obviously look down on the palestinians and may even treat them like blacks in the apartheid system of sout africa. The other thing, is the general miss information about Israel. We here are so quick to defend this country, but few really know what is going on over there. (I don't). But they may be just as opressive and cruel as their bordering countries, but they atleast support the U.S. Islamic extremists have a clear goal. To wipe out isreal and the west. But what is israel's goal? Do they want to wipe out the middle east? Or do they want peace in the region? If so, even after war has subsided in the middle east, how do they expect to have peace if they instill this prejudice in their children against arabs? MW

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