Thursday, February 22, 2007

Schools for Peace
This story caught my attention because it shows how education is the key to peace in the Middle East. The Taliban does not want education because it will make people think for them selves which would obviously be a threat to the Taliban. It shows how Islam, although not a violent or oppressive religion, has become violent in order to push the agenda of a frightened people in a chaotic region.
It was devastating to learn how many people’s dreams had been ruined by a government starved for power and purpose. These people, determined to educate themselves to improve their country, are the hope for peace. They would accept all religions, because they would feel secure and therefore unthreatened by other religions; they would not need to put other people down. In their self-peace, they would not need the rock of anger to make them feel secure. The Taliban does not want peace because then they would not be in power. They need power to feel useful. They have grasped that their anger can survive only in war, like how many revolutionary leaders kept creating a crisis situation, because they could not control a peaceful country. Education would create a people who thought for themselves. A thinking person would except all religions and would never burn the schools that perpetuated peace. as

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