Thursday, February 22, 2007

Right or Wrong

After reading the prologue to Nine Parts Desire by Geraldine Brooks, I realized just how poorly women are treated by Islam’s. A first example of the discrimination against women would be when; Geraldine Brooks was unable to get a room in a hotel without special permission because she was by herself. In a way women are forced into marriage, which can be just as harsh as the outside world. Women can be beaten by their husbands if they disobey him, are forced to share his attentions with three other wives, can be divorced whenever, and can lose custody of their children. I could not imagine many people who would enjoy these things happening to them.
When Geraldine interviews Sahar, I was amazed by some of her responses. Sahar believes that men and women are “different”. She agreed with the decision that banned all women from being judges in Islamic courts. She claims, “ Women are more emotional than men, because God has designed them to care for children. So, in court, a woman might show mercy where logic demands harshness.” What about the cases where logic demands mercy? Serah also claims that when she wears the Hijab she feels protected. She doesn’t have to fear going out in public in it. This is great for her, but what about the women who want to go out in public without it and without fear. Not all Muslim countries treat women 2nd rate, but everyone should have a choice like Sahar. “Islam did not have to mean oppression of women. So why were so many Muslim women oppressed?” This is a great question, and I have no answer for it. ed

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